Cous Cous Every Friday

Had a half morning of Darija and then we had a very interesting lecture about Media in Morocco. I actually took really good notes and feel like I understand the social consciousness in the area more by considering the changes in media and how media is handled here. The lecturer said he would love to see us again, I hope he comes to Rabat for further lecturing.

Spoke some with the host fam. I asked Mum about the cous cous tradition here on Fridays and she just said, in Arabic, “I don’t know, it’s just habit/tradition.” She asked about America and I let her know that each family has it’s own tradition. My host sister does Taekwondo by the way. Still not a black belt like me so I let her know not to try me. Watched some of an American film on tv translated and I got a few words here and there. Tried an Egyptian film and I was pretty much constantly lost.

Tonight we went to a cafe owned by some Brit and run by Moroccans. (After complaining to my bank to fix my check card again because I couldn’t get money out) The banana milkshake was quite delicious. I ended the social part of the night by asking my host sis some questions in Arabic and she was surprised when I said one sentence very much like a Magrebii. Too bad I messed up everything else. Still get confused for Moroccon though. A guy from downstairs was about to lecture me on how I should go to mosque and practice (Friday is mosque day if you don’t know) and I let him know; but I’m not Muslim, and he was surprised and said, “but your Arab?” Feslife

Cous Cous

Cous Cous

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